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inauthor: John Lewis from
Lewis Stirs New Democrats Recent Leader's Charge Faith With Labor Broken. Washington, Jan. 25 Iff}— Political Washington, startled by John L. Lewis' anti-third-term statement,. was ready to lay odds today that the CIO chieftain is ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... John L. Lewis, president of the United ' that (CIO) America of Workers of ... in author- _ continued beyond the March 31 ex- izations. Subsequently ... Lewis' pro- chairman, said the state department posal for no stoppage of work ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... inAuthor. jure the workers themselves." Mr. Green thought Mr. Roosevelt's message "most pleasing and satisfactory ... John L. Lewis, and then more messages to both men, again and again — until they realize that peace for labor is ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... JOHN E. HYDE. 12 Poydras st The SI. takes freight for Memphia, Mills' Point ... LEWIS as a Canlight— TowUnt or the office of SHERIFF, at the ensuing ... in Author Laud, by F.inny Forester 5( Wotem Clenriiigs. by Mrs C'. M. Kirkla ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... John L. Lewis, said editorially today that the C. I. O. and A •F\ L- must achieve unity "if labor is to go through ... in author-. Flays Union Leadership Leadership. The Journal asserted that neither A. ^.^dJ!S! V J" Presidont TM«3 ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... Lewis Landerson, counsel for the company that represents the s, pointed out that Logatl is getting a royalty from a ... IN author John Molloy's eyes, all the presidential candidates are losers. Mol- loy, whose "Dress for Success ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... Lewis. He performs courtesy Actors' Equity Association and by. kind ... inauthor. lect y cluding an outer-space trilogy, popular books for children ... John J Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Proess, has enjoyed two successful productions ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
Case of PAGE. The Great McClure Mystery Story, Written bv JOHN ^£ERICK T. M'INTYRE, LEWIS In Author ^oliabm-ation of the Ashton With KirK Detective Stones, 'Read the Story and S'ee -the E^anay Moving Tictures. Copyright, 1915. by McClure ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... Lewis Lewis Jr. Jr. Mayer & Co. Record Room Dinner Date Mayer & Co. Record ... John Sleele Lone Ranger Howard Barlow John Steele Ranger; No 5 Memorable ... In author of many cookbooks, will '"Split Level," a drama dealing cover ...
inauthor: John Lewis from
... John Carradine, kj new subtle screen menace; .umann, i and Harold Huber. Fun ... Lewis . . . Business men apparently ar looking more to State Departmen than ... in author of a biiok "Japan1!! Pulldca and I'lirm. which hy IH\S ...