... poems of the Tudor era. Three hundred lost poems of the crai including works by Sir Walter Raleigh and a hitherto unpublish- ed poem by Queen Elizabeth^ I, will be in the work titled "The Arundel Harington Manscript o/ Tudor Poetry." It ...
... poem by Queen Elizabeth I— soon will take their places in the world of literature through the efforts of Prof. Ruth Hughry of Ohio State University's English faculty. ; Professor Hughey was searching through the librarv at Arundel ...
Don Quixote Treasures New and Old, 700 pages Arundel Edition of the Poets. History ot the United States- Frost's A Young Girl's Wooing, and others by Boe Twain's Iramp Abroad, Roughing It. etc My Opinions. My Wavward Partner, etc.. by ...
... Arundel Edition of tbe Poets History of the United States- Frost's A Young Girl's Wooing, and others by Roe Twain's Irarnp Abroad, Bough- Ing It. etc My Opinions, My Wayward Partner, etc.. by Josiali Allen's wife Household Edition of Poet ...
... Arundel Edition of tho Poets. ____ History of the United. States — Frost's ........................... A Young Girl's Wooing, and others by Boa ....................... . Twain's lramp Abroad,. Kongh- Ing It. etc ..............
... Writers. BY KENNETH C. M. 8IULS President Bowdoin College The average ... Poets One of the best known poets of today 13 EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY, a ... Arundel". "The Lively Lady and "Rabble In Arms" are all stories of adventure ...
... Arundel write something really putrid." County Public Library, a first. The poetry to which I refer I didn't see her anymore aft- She is now children's librarian Is not the type of golden words e/that'VuriVever'pasra ^ in charge of the ...
Don Quixote Treasures New and Old, 700 pages Arundel Edition of tbe Poets History of the United States- Frost's A Young Girl's Wooing, and others by Roe Twain's Irarnp Abroad, Bough- ing It. etc My Opinions, My Wayward Partner, etc.. by ...
... Arundel, undel, as set forth In chapter 349, acts of th 180$, section 3, are* that they be "legal votha e of Arundel ... poets think and write? te? Then cross to the peninsula that smits mits Arundel on the southern side from the ...
... Poems. Modern Europe, Vicar of Wakefield, Tales of a Traveller, Sharp's London Magazine, Arthur Arundel, The Music and Poetry of Ireland, the Book of Art Illuntrated, Whit aker's Pincock's Greece, Ditto Rome, Patrick and Louth's ...