While this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators.
... in March A. H. Jentzen , General Tire Service , Atlanta , Ga .; W. Wood , Bill Wood's Auto Service , Battle Creek , Michigan ; Ray Andre , Butler , Pa .; W. A. Pflaum , Lima Tire & Supply Co. , Lima , Ohio ; G. T. ... TIRES THER TRADITIO ...
IN THE TRADE BURLINGTON ... RICHMOND , VA . - The Imperial Auto Supply Co. has been incorporated with ... tires , has opened a new service station and salesroom at 1922 East Eighteenth street . The branch will be in charge of G. T. ...
... Va . - Imperial Motor Tire Co. , capital stock , $ 100,000 ; incorporators , R. Carter , L. Carter , G. G. Lescher . Alliance , 0. - Alliance Rubber Co. , capital stock , $ 100,000 ; to manufacture and deal in rubber goods and motor car ...
... Richmond , Va .; $ 15,000 ; to conduct a general automobile business ; John ... tires and supplies ; George Adams , George M. Hopkins , Claude M. Shine ... G. T. Tucker . Brisco Sales Company , Albany , N. Y .; $ 10,000 ; W. J. ...
... Richmond , Va . " OUR RECORDS PROVE TO US DAILY the solid business fact that Frue- hauf Gravity Tandem - equipped Trailers cost less to maintain . And the exceptional tire mileage we've been getting regularly , thanks to GT , has done a ...
... Gt Brit and the East p 31+ O 30 '43 Production and utilisation of tin : an economic asset of great colonial importance ; possibili- ties of wider application in post - war years . V. A. ... tires . B. J. Lemon and J. J. Robson . il diags ...
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... Richmond , Va . " OUR RECORDS PROVE TO US DAILY the solid business fact that Frue- hauf Gravity Tandem - equipped Trailers cost less to maintain . And the exceptional tire mileage we've been getting regularly , thanks to GT , has done a ...
... Va . ] . Jones , 1st Lt. William B. [ Sec'y - Treas . , The Suffolk ... gt , 1014 Dallas County State Bank Bldg , Dallas , Texas.l 103 , 112 Kane ... Richmond , Va . ] . .45 , 387 67 27 , 237 45 Keith , Corp. John W ...