... А. Русско - английский разговор- Мн .: ООО " Аверсэв " : ООО " Родиола ... Гомель : ГКИ , 2000. - 39 с . - 200 экз . 4346. Немецкий язык : Практикум ... Д. А. Немецкая грамматика . Мн .: Выш . шк . , 2000. - 350 с . - Библиогр ...
Based on more than 30 years of in-the-trenches work on thousands of deals across a range of industries--and supplemented by extensive Bain & Co. research--Harding and Rovit reveal that the best M&A performers channel their efforts into (1) ...
Anecdote rich and illustrated with delightful cartoons, this invaluable book brims with innovative and practical ways to solve the problems of growing up.
Hobbes, T. Self-love and society.--Butler, J. Upon the love of our neighbour.--Hume, D. Morality, self-love, and benevolence.--Kant, I. Morality and the duty of love toward other men.--Schlick, M. Hedonism and egoism.
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Here are the chilling recollections of a soldier in the SS-Sonderkommando "Dirlewanger" during the Polish and Russian campaigns, the 1944 Warsaw uprising and the final battles near Berlin.