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Oklahoma City Creates Waves: A look at the new Velosolution pump track

OKC pump track article

OKC pump track articleRiversport Adventure Park in Oklahoma City’s Boathouse District will open a new world-class pumptrack with a bang this September.

Velosolutions, the world leader in paved pumptrack design and construction, has installed the track and it is the largest in the USA. The pumptrack is located north of the Riversport Rapids whitewater rafting and kayaking center. Boasting over 15,000 square feet of seamless paved waves, the state-of-the-art pumptrack will be a recreational hub for the bike, skateboard and skate communities.

A Mylaps integrated timing system will connect OKC’s track with other Velosolutions pump tracks nationwide for virtual competition. A portion of the funding for the track was provided as a grant from the Recreational Trails Program of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

OKC pump track article“The Recreational Trails grant made the track possible, so we are very appreciative of their support,” said Mike Knopp, executive director of the OKC Boathouse Foundation, the nonprofit that oversees Riversport Adventure Parks.

“Having this track will elevate the sport in Oklahoma City and provides a great opportunity for kids and adults to ride on a world-class track.”

The track is open to all ages; riders may bring their own bikes or rent one from Riversport Adventures. Day passes for riders with their own equipment are $10 for adults, $5 for youth under age 8. Access to the pumptrack is also included in Riversport day and season passes.

Later this fall, Riversport will launch the Skateboard Supercross Academy, which will provide a progressive 18-week curriculum for individuals interested in learning to skateboard and willing to get involved in a racing league. Oklahoma City plans to host the first Skateboard Supercross World Championships in the fall of 2017.

Thanks to Michael Brooke of Concrete Wave Magazine!

Riversport OKC Pump Track, Velosolutions.

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