Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity and sparsity☆. Author links open overlay panel. Zvi Galil , Kunsoo Park. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. Cite.
Dynamic programming is a general problem-solving technique that has been widely used in various fields such as control theory, operations research, ...
Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity and sparsity · Contents. Theoretical Computer Science. Volume 92, Issue 1 · PREVIOUS ARTICLE. String-matching on ...
"Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity and sparsity" by Zvi Galil, Kunsoo Park. find; "A Linear-Time Algorithm for Concave One-Dimensional Dynamic ...
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Apr 25, 2024 · Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity and sparsity. Theoretical Computer Science 92, 1 (1992), 49–76. Galil and Park (1994) Zvi ...
Dynamic Programming with Convexity, Concavity, and Sparsity. 49-76. view. electronic edition via DOI (open access); references & citations. authority control ...
Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity, and sparsity. Theoretical Computer Science to appear. 10. Greenberg, A. C., Ladner, R. E., Paterson, M. S. ...
Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity and sparsity. Theor. Comput. Sci., 92(1):49–76, 1992. 16. E.N. Gilbert and E.F. Moore. Variable-length binary ...
10(2):189–208, 1967. [14] Z. Galil Z and K. Park. Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity and sparsity. Theoretical. Computer Science, 92(1):49–76, 1992.
Park, Dynamic programming with convexity, concavity and sparsity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 92(1), 49–76 (1992). Article MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar. W.H. Gates ...